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Massage Therapy : What Is Aromatherapy Massage?

  Hi, I’m Sundae from Natural Sundae. If you’ve ever wondered what an aromatherapy massage is, I’m here to tell you. Now aromatherapy massage is simply this, it is a massage, any kind of a massage, it can be a Swedish massage which is a relaxation massage, it can be deep tissue, it can be […]

Massage Therapy : Therapeutic Massage

I’m at Everything Peaceful in Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss what is therapeutic massage? Therapeutic massage is a pretty big term. It is any massage with a purpose. You can incorporate many different modalities into a therapeutic massage, such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release, cranio synchro therapy, many more. It’s beyond a Swedish massage. […]

Massage Therapy : What Is a Therapeutic Massage?

Hi, I’m Sundae with Natural Sundae and if you’re wondering what a therapeutic massage is I can tell you what it is. Now a massage by nature is very therapeutic. It’s therapeutic and healing for all the wonderful parts that comprise you. It is healing for your physical body, which is the body that we […]

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