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Massage Therapy : Therapeutic Massage

I’m at Everything Peaceful in Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss what is therapeutic massage? Therapeutic massage is a pretty big term. It is any massage with a purpose. You can incorporate many different modalities into a therapeutic massage, such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release, cranio synchro therapy, many more. It’s beyond a Swedish massage. A Swedish massage is a little bit more superficial, aimed at relaxation, restoring, you know, the body’s natural, healthy state. But, a therapeutic massage has more focus.

You’d be focusing on injuries, painful areas, and you would always have a goal in mind for the session. You may have a longer intake process, where you’re interviewing your client, trying to create those goals. And often times, you would have more of a, more of a therapeutic outlook to have a plan of action, follow up visits, things like that. And that’s basically what a therapeutic massage is. .


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